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Authenticate a GESIS user account using OAuth 2.0. This is necessary to download datasets using gesis_data.


gesis_auth(email = NULL, password = NULL, prompt = interactive())




email, password

Email address and password linked to a GESIS user account. These only have to be provided once and will be retrieved using key_get afterwards. If not specified and prompt = TRUE, safely asks for email and password interactively.


If TRUE and email or password are not specified, opens a console prompt to provide these arguments. If FALSE, throws an error in this case. Defaults to TRUE if run in an interactive session.


gesis_auth and gesis_pop_auth return NULL, invisibly. gesis_can_auth always returns TRUE or FALSE.


gesis_auth() performs a GESIS login once and, if successful, stores the credentials used for the login in the operating system's built-in credentials manager using keyrings. For all subsequent authentications, the credentials are retrieved from the keyring to authenticate automatically. To prevent the authentication process to access the stored credentials every time an OAuth request is sent, you can set options(rgesis_cache_disk = TRUE) to allow the access token to be cached. Note that this comes at the cost of storing access credentials on disk. See req_oauth_password for details.

To check if the package can successfully authenticate without passing new credentials, you can run gesis_can_auth(). Note that this function catches all types of errors that occur when trying to authenticate. It does not make assumptions about the reason why an error occured. In other words, a failing auth check is not a guarantee that an authentication is invalid. This function can be handy to check if datasets can be downloaded in automated workflows without throwing an error. For example:

if (gesis_can_auth()) {

To remove the credentials from the operating system's credentials manager, use gesis_pop_auth().


Be advised to avoid entering your password in plain text. Instead, use the masked password prompt that shows when not providing a value to the password argument or store the credentials manually, e.g. using key_set.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# if email and password are not stored yet, gesis_auth() registers them
# in a keyring and checks if they work
gesis_auth(email = "", password = "DONTLOOK")

# if credentials are already stored in a keyring, gesis_auth() simply
# checks if the login works
} # }