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This R6 class is used to initialize and manage local photon instances. It can download and setup the Java, the photon executable, and the necessary ElasticSearch search index. It can start, stop, and query the status of the photon instance. It is also the basis for geocoding requests as it is used to retrieve the URL for geocoding.

ElasticSearch / OpenSearch

The standard version of photon uses ElasticSearch indices to geocode. These search indices can be self-provided by importing an existing Nominatim database or they can be downloaded from the Photon download server. If you want to download pre-built search indices, simply provide a country string during initialization or use the $download_data method. If you want to build from Nominatim, do not provide a country string and use the $import method. See vignette("nominatim-import", package = "photon") for details on how to import from Nominatim.

To enable structured geocoding, the photon geocoder needs to be built to support OpenSearch. Since photon 0.6.0, OpenSearch jar files are included in the photon releases. OpenSearch indices can also be downloaded, but do not support structured geocoding as of yet. To enable structured geocoding, indices have to be imported from an existing Nominatim database.

Super class

photon::photon -> photon_local

Public fields


Path to the directory where the photon instance is stored.


process object that handles the external process running photon.


Method new()

Initialize a local photon instance. If necessary, downloads the photon executable, the search index, and Java.


  photon_version = NULL,
  country = NULL,
  date = "latest",
  exact = FALSE,
  section = NULL,
  opensearch = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



Path to a directory where the photon executable and data should be stored.


Version of photon to be used. A list of all releases can be found here: Ignored if jar is given. If NULL, uses the latest known version (Currently: 0.6.2).


Character string that can be identified by countryname as a country. An extract for this country will be downloaded. If "planet", downloads a global search index.


Character string or date-time object used to specify the creation date of the search index. If "latest", will download the file tagged with "latest". If a character string, the value should be parseable by as.POSIXct. If exact = FALSE, the input value is compared to all available dates and the closest date will be selected. Otherwise, a file will be selected that exactly matches the input to date.


If TRUE, exactly matches the date. Otherwise, selects the date with lowest difference to the date parameter.


Subdirectory of the download server from which to select a search index. If "experimental", selects a dump made for the master version of photon. If "archived", selects a dump made for an older version of photon. If NULL (or any arbitrary string), selects a dump made for the current release. Defaults to NULL.


If TRUE, attempts to download the OpenSearch version of photon. OpenSearch-based photon supports structrued geocoding. Readily available OpenSearch photon executables are only offered since photon version 0.6.0. For earlier versions, you need to build it from source using gradle. In this case, if TRUE, will look for an OpenSearch version of photon in the specified path. Defaults to FALSE.


If TRUE, overwrites existing jar files and search indices when initializing a new instance. Defaults to FALSE.


If TRUE, suppresses all informative messages.

Method mount()

Attach the object to the session. If mounted, all geocoding functions send their requests to the URL of this instance. Manually mounting is useful if you want to switch between multiple photon instances.



Method info()

Retrieve metadata about the java and photon version used as well as the country and creation date of the Eleasticsearch search index.




A list containing the java version, the photon version, and if applicable, the spatial and temporal coverage of the search index.

Method purge()

Kill the photon process and remove the directory. Useful to get rid of an instance entirely.


photon_local$purge(ask = TRUE)



If TRUE, asks for confirmation before purging the instance.


NULL, invisibly.

Method import()

Import a Postgres Nominatim database to photon. Runs the photon jar file using the additional parameter -nominatim-import. Requires a running Nominatim database that can be connected to.


  host = "",
  port = 5432,
  database = "nominatim",
  user = "nominatim",
  password = "",
  structured = FALSE,
  update = FALSE,
  enable_update_api = FALSE,
  languages = c("en", "fr", "de", "it"),
  countries = NULL,
  extra_tags = NULL,
  json = FALSE,
  timeout = 60,
  java_opts = NULL,
  photon_opts = NULL



Postgres host of the database. Defaults to "".


Postgres port of the database. Defaults to 5432.


Postgres database name. Defaults to "nominatim".


Postgres database user. Defaults to "nominatim".


Postgres database password. Defaults to "".


If TRUE, enables structured query support when importing the database. This allows the usage of structured. Structured queries are only supported in the OpenSearch version of photon. See section "OpenSearch" above. Defaults to FALSE.


If TRUE, fetches updates from the Nominatim database, updating the search index without offering an API. If FALSE, imports the database an deletes the previous index. Defaults to FALSE.


If TRUE, enables an additional endpoint /nominatim-update, which allows updates from Nominatim databases.


Character vector specifying the languages to import from the Nominatim databases. Defaults to English, French, German, and Italian.


Character vector specifying the country codes to import from the Nominatim database. Defaults to all country codes.


Character vector specifying extra OSM tags to import from the Nominatim database. These tags are used to augment geocoding results. Defaults to NULL.


If TRUE, dumps the imported Nominatim database to a JSON file and returns the path to the output file. Defaults to FALSE.


Time in seconds before the java process aborts. Defaults to 60 seconds.


List of further flags passed on to the java command.


List of further flags passed on to the photon jar in the java command. See cmd_options for a helper function to import external Nominatim databases.

Method start()

Start a local instance of the Photon geocoder. Runs the jar executable located in the instance directory.


  host = "",
  port = "2322",
  ssl = FALSE,
  timeout = 60,
  java_opts = NULL,
  photon_opts = NULL



Character string of the host name that the geocoder should be opened on.


Port that the geocoder should listen to.


If TRUE, uses https, otherwise http. Defaults to FALSE.


Time in seconds before the java process aborts. Defaults to 60 seconds.


List of further flags passed on to the java command.


List of further flags passed on to the photon jar in the java command. See cmd_options for a helper function to import external Nominatim databases.


While there is a certain way to determine if a photon instance is ready, there is no clear way as of yet to determine if a photon setup has failed. Due to this, a failing setup is mostly indicated by the setup hanging after emitting a warning. In this case, the setup has to be interrupted manually.

Method stop()

Kills the running photon process.



Method download_data()

Downloads a search index using download_searchindex.


  country = NULL,
  date = "latest",
  exact = FALSE,
  section = NULL



Character string that can be identified by countryname as a country. An extract for this country will be downloaded. If NULL, downloads a global search index.


Character string or date-time object used to specify the creation date of the search index. If "latest", will download the file tagged with "latest". If a character string, the value should be parseable by as.POSIXct. If exact = FALSE, the input value is compared to all available dates and the closest date will be selected. Otherwise, a file will be selected that exactly matches the input to date.


If TRUE, exactly matches the date. Otherwise, selects the date with lowest difference to the date parameter.


Subdirectory of the download server from which to select a search index. If "experimental", selects a dump made for the master version of photon. If "archived", selects a dump made for an older version of photon. If NULL (or any arbitrary string), selects a dump made for the current release. Defaults to NULL.

Method remove_data()

Removes the data currently used in the photon directory. This only affects the unpacked photon_data directory, not archived files.



Method is_running()

Checks whether the photon instance is running and ready. The difference to $is_ready() is that $is_running() checks specifically if the running photon instance is managed by a process from its own photon object. In other words, $is_running() returns TRUE if both $proc$is_alive() and $is_ready() return TRUE. This method is useful if you want to ensure that the photon object can control its photon server (mostly internal use).




A logical of length 1.

Method is_ready()

Checks whether the photon instance is ready to take requests. This is the case if the photon server returns a HTTP 400 when sending a queryless request. This method is useful if you want to check whether you can send requests.




A logical of length 1.

Method get_url()

Constructs the URL that geocoding requests should be sent to.




A URL to send requests to.

Method get_logs()

Retrieve the logs of previous photon runs.




Returns a dataframe containing the run ID (rid, the highest number is the most recent run), a timestamp (ts), the thread, the log type (INFO, WARN, or ERROR), the class trace and the error message.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


photon_local$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


if (has_java("11")) {
dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "photon")

# start a new instance using a Monaco extract
photon <- new_photon(path = dir, country = "Monaco")

# start a new instance with an older photon version
photon <- new_photon(path = dir, photon_version = "0.4.1")}
#>  openjdk version "17.0.14" 2025-01-21
#>  OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.14+7 (build 17.0.14+7)
#>  OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.14+7 (build 17.0.14+7, mixed mode,
#>   sharing)
#>  Fetching photon 0.6.2.
#>  Successfully downloaded photon 0.6.2. [240ms]
#>  Fetching search index for Monaco, created on latest
#>  Successfully downloaded search index. [541ms]
#> • Version: 0.6.2
#> • Coverage: Monaco
#> • Time: 2025-02-28
#>  openjdk version "17.0.14" 2025-01-21
#>  OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.14+7 (build 17.0.14+7)
#>  OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.14+7 (build 17.0.14+7, mixed mode,
#>   sharing)
#>  Fetching photon 0.4.1.
#>  Successfully downloaded photon 0.4.1. [233ms]
#>  A search index already exists at the given path. Download will be skipped
#> • Version: 0.4.1
#> • Coverage: Monaco
#> • Time: 2025-02-28

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# import a nominatim database using OpenSearch photon
# this example requires the OpenSearch version of photon and a running
# Nominatim server.
photon <- new_photon(path = dir, opensearch = TRUE)
photon$start(photon_options = cmd_options(port = 29146, password = "pgpass"))} # }