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Plot the segments of a route as an elevation profile or cross-section. A geographic cross-section describes a two-dimensional cut through a route where the x-axis denotes the distance and the y-axis denotes the elevation. The area below the elevation profile can be used to plot an additional feature.


  feat = "avgspeed",
  dist = "distance",
  elev = "elevation",
  palette = NULL,
  scale_elevation = TRUE,
  size = 1.5,
  xlab = dist,
  ylab = elev,
  scale_title = feat,
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,




An sf data.frame describing segments of a linestring. The data.frame is expected to have multiple rows (representing the segments) and at least three columns, "elevation", "distance" and an additional feature. Preferably, this is a result of ors_inspect, but other sf data.frames might work as well.

dist, elev, feat


Column names of the distance, elevation and feature values inside x.



Color palette to be used for plotting. Passed on to scale_fill_manual or scale_fill_gradientn, depending on the data type of feat. Defaults to the Cividis colormap.



Whether to scale the elevation axis based on the lowest elevation. If FALSE, the y-axis is not scaled and fixed at sea level. Defaults to TRUE.



Size of the line plot. Defaults to 1.5.

xlab, ylab, scale_title, title, subtitle, caption


Arguments to change label names, legend, title, subtitle and caption of the ggplot object.


Further arguments passed to scale_fill_manual or scale_fill_gradientn depending on the data type of feat.


A ggplot object.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
sample <- ors_sample(2)
route <- ors_inspect(sample[1, ], sample[2, ], extra_info = TRUE)

plot_section(route, feat = "waytype")

plot_section(route, feat = "steepness", scale_elevation = FALSE)

zissou_pal <- hcl.colors(11, palette = "Zissou 1")
plot_section(route, "steepness", palette = zissou_pal)

terrain_pal <- hcl.colors(10, palette = "Terrain")
plot_section(route, "elevation", palette = terrain_pal, scale_elevation = FALSE)
} # }