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Get civic service request data from a registered open311 endpoint. o311_request queries a single service request by ID. o311_requests queries a single page of service requests. o311_request_all tries to iterate through all pages of an endpoint to return a complete dataset of service requests.


  service_code = NULL,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  status = NULL,
  page = NULL,

o311_request(service_request_id, ...)

  service_code = NULL,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  status = NULL,
  max_pages = Inf,
  progress = TRUE




IDs of the service types to be queried. Defaults to all available codes of an endpoint. A list of all available service codes can be retrieved using o311_services.

start_date, end_date


Start date and end date of the query results. Must be date-time objects. If not specified, defaults to the last 90 days.



Status of the public service ticket. Can be one of "open" or "closed". If NULL, returns all types of tickets.



Page of the response. Most endpoints paginate their responses in a way that only a limited number of tickets are returned with each query. To retrieve all data, consider using o311_request_all.


Further endpoint-specific parameters as documented in the respective endpoint reference.



Identifier of a single service request. Request IDs can usually be retrieved from o311_requests.



Number of pages to search until the result is returned.



Whether to show a waiter indicating the current page iteration.


A dataframe containing data on civic service requests. The dataframe can contain varying columns depending on the open311 implementation.


o311_request_all applies a number of checks to determine when to stop searching. First, many endpoints return an error if the last page is exceeded. Thus, if the last page request failed, break. Second, if exceeding the pagination limit does not return an error, the response is compared with the previous response. If identical, the response is discarded and all previous responses returned. Finally, if the page exceeds max_pages, the responses up to this point are returned.

open311 leaves space for endpoints to implement their own request parameters. These parameters can be provided using dot arguments. These arguments are not validated or pre-processed. Date-time objects must be formatted according to the w3c standard. Some more common parameters include:

  • q: Perform a text search across all requests.

  • update_after/updated_before: Limit request according to request update dates.

  • per_page: Specifiy the maximum number of requests per page.

  • extensions: Adds a nested attribute "extended_attributes" to the response.

  • long/lat/radius: Searches for requests in a fixed radius around a coordinate.

As dot arguments deviate from the open311 standard, they are not guaranteed to be available for every endpoint and might be removed without further notice. Refer to the endpoint docs to learn more about custom parameters (o311_endpoints()$docs).

See also


# \donttest{
if (o311_ok()) {
  # retrieve requests from the last two days
  now <- Sys.time()
  two_days <- 60 * 60 * 24 * 2
  o311_requests(end_date = now, start_date = now - two_days)

  # retrieve only open tickets
  tickets <- o311_requests(status = "open")

  # request the first ticket of the previous response
  rid <- as.character(tickets$service_request_id[1])

  if (interactive()) {
    # request all data

  # request data of the first 5 pages
  o311_request_all(max_pages = 5)
#> Receiving page 4 out of 5...
Receiving page 5 out of 5...

#> Simple feature collection with 5000 features and 13 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 8.465915 ymin: 47.32365 xmax: 8.60263 ymax: 47.43141
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 5,000 × 14
#>    interface_used media_url         service_code detail description service_name
#>    <chr>          <chr>             <chr>        <chr>  <chr>       <chr>       
#>  1 iOS            https://www.zuer… Abfall/Samm… "Pult" "Pult: Pul… Abfall/Samm…
#>  2 iOS            https://www.zuer… Abfall/Samm… "Kart… "Karton mi… Abfall/Samm…
#>  3 iOS            https://www.zuer… Signalisati… "Dies… "Fussgänge… Signalisati…
#>  4 iOS            https://www.zuer… Signalisati… "Das … "Das hat h… Signalisati…
#>  5 iOS            https://www.zuer… Grünflächen… "Abge… "Abgestorb… Grünflächen…
#>  6 iOS            https://www.zuer… Strasse/Tro… "Pfla… "Pflasters… Strasse/Tro…
#>  7 iOS            https://www.zuer… Abfall/Samm… "Stän… "Ständerla… Abfall/Samm…
#>  8 iOS            https://www.zuer… Abfall/Samm… "Schr… "Schrottve… Abfall/Samm…
#>  9 desktop        https://www.zuer… Strasse/Tro… "Velo… "Veloverbi… Strasse/Tro…
#> 10 iOS            https://www.zuer… Signalisati… "Wies… "keinen Ve… Signalisati…
#> # ℹ 4,990 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: requested_datetime <chr>, status <chr>,
#> #   updated_datetime <chr>, service_request_id <int>, title <chr>,
#> #   service_notice <chr>, agency_sent_datetime <chr>, geometry <POINT [°]>
# }